
Salisbury Soroptimists Annual Bra Collection

UPDATE 21/07/2023

Salisbury Soroptimists would like to thank the women of Salisbury and surrounding areas for their amazing support in donating another record-breaking number of bras for their annual collection. Last year they counted over 2,500, but this year that figure was far superseded at an astonishing 3,736!!

A team of volunteers gathered on Monday evening to sort, count and bag the bras. Many hands made light work of the count so they had time for some light refreshments.

The bags were labelled and will be delivered to Afreebra, which has storage capacity in Twickenham. The bras will then be flown to various African countries and donated to women who otherwise would not be able to afford such garments. Imagine the boost to their confidence and self-esteem by wearing a ‘luxury’ garment. Like in many places, women are often last in the queue for family finances and their needs come low down on the priority list.

If you didn’t get around to donating, please hang on to your bras – they will be happy to receive them next year!

Thanks to everyone who donated, collected bras from donation points, Five Rivers for hosting their main collection point and those who went along to count the haul!

This is only one of the many projects which the women of Salisbury Soroptimists work on throughout the year to make the world a better place for women and girls. If you’d like to find out more about Soroptimists check out their website: https://sigbi.org/salisbury/ and join them at one of their meetings.





Thinking about treating yourself to a new bra? There is a good way to recycle the used ones, so long as they are not too old!! Once again, Salisbury Soroptimists are collecting gently used bras to send to Africa.

Can you help them beat last year's record-breaking total of 2527? Your donations were delivered to Afreebra, who sent them to the Rural SMILE foundation in Ejura, Ghana.

In rural Africa many women never dream of owning a bra – any disposable income is spent on food, children, husbands and lastly on women! But with your help, this can change. Owning a bra can give a woman dignity and make her feel good! 

This is where the bras collected last year ended up in Ghana...

Where to Donate

Please drop your donations, before the end of June, at Five Rivers Leisure Centre, or contact their organiser, Penny Joyce, pennyre.joyce@gmail.com

Alternatively, you can leave your bras at 60 Endless Street, Salisbury, SP1 3UH or contact them at sarumsoropts@gmail.com 

If you can collect bras from your local area or workplace, they may be able to collect from you.

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